
A Transformed Mother Is a Transformed Family

Duweta felt desperate, not knowing how she could help supply the needs of her family. “I easily get discouraged every time we don’t have money to buy food,” she recalls. Every day, she sees her husband and son breaking their backs so they can put food on the table. Duweta wanted to do more despite her age.

This the house where Duweta and her family live

Transform opens opportunities for people like Duweta and boosts their chances of improving their quality of life. The ultra-poor are given holistic training that includes lessons on hope, dignity, hygiene, disease prevention, budgeting, and saving.

In the four months Duweta was attending the program, she realized that she could impact the lives of her family for the better! “I thought they would give us money or materials we could use for our livelihood. But when I attended the program, I gained more than I expected. I acquired knowledge and skills that can’t be bought or replaced. Joining Transform was worth my time and effort!” Duweta exclaims.

Now, Duweta sells cleaning products their savings group produces and earns about HK$21 weekly. She uses the money to buy some of their needs and puts aside some of her income, hoping she can save enough to start her own business and build an emergency fund.

Duweta also planted the seeds they received from Transform’s garden-in-a-box kits. They are able to save some money because of their harvests! “The livelihood lessons were a blessing because we learned how to save. We were also given some seeds to plant in our backyard. Instead of buying vegetables in the market, we now have our own garden at home, where we get free food,” she shares.

Duweta planted tomatoes from Transform’s garden-in-a-box kits
Duweta’s garden of sweet potato plant

Through Transform sessions, Duweta found the hope and strength to live every day. She became an encouragement to her family and fellow participants. “I am so blessed to be given a chance to join Transform. It changed my perspective on life, especially on saving for the future. It helped us realize that we can make our lives better,” she says.

Duweta with her husband, son, and grandson
Duweta performing a song at their Transform graduation ceremony

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