Month: January 2024

Ultra-poverty and Hunger

One of the most stark and tangible aspects of life in poverty is that of hunger. Without enough resources, parents are often not able to provide food for themselves or their children. Lack of food, or lack of nutritious food, can lead in turn to poor health, including birth defects for babies of pregnant mothers,...

He dreams of becoming a soldier, she a teacher. They walk two hours to school each day hoping to reach their dreams.

It is a blistering hot day. Rafaella and three of her six children navigate the forest where their house stood in the middle of nowhere. They walk about a mile more of muddy, uneven trail to reach the local church where an ICM staff waited to interview them. Rafaella’s daughter, Ella, was a Family Academy...

What started out with 16 members each contributing $0.18 cents weekly, has grown to 70 members with investments of over $5,000.

Elsie, a Transform participant and mother of four, started with an initial contribution of P10 to her Savings Group. Today, seven years later: ✓ she has a total savings of $138 ✓ received $73 in profit shares last December ✓ loaned around $55 for additional capital for their family business Most, if not all, of...

“Ma, I’m tired. Ma, I want to go home. Ma, I feel like I’m going to faint.” Mike-mike cautions his mother when he is not feeling well, which is often.

Unlike other kids his age, five-year-old Mike-mike is unable to run around and be active. He is easily fatigued and will faint or go into seizure when out of breath. Mike-mike suffers from a congenital heart defect—there is a hole in his heart and a blocked blood vessel, affecting how blood and oxygen travel throughout...

Teresa taught her children their ABCs. Despite poverty, she is hopeful they will one day reach their dreams.

Teresa lives in a small house with a dirt floor.  On one side of the room is a small cot, on the other is a makeshift kitchen with piles of charcoal and a cooker.  Her husband works in a small canteen in town; she spends her days caring for their three daughters and baby son....

For Pastor Ezekiel, only death can stop him from fulfilling his commitment to serve God

It is a demanding trek to reach Pastor Ezekiel’s home. There are vast green fields as far as the eye can see. Beyond that is his home. Pastor Ezekiel is heading home after meeting with a few ICM staff. That day, the sky was overcast. The field was wet and the mud thick and slippery....

CHCs bring healthcare to the doorstep of the poorest, most remote areas in the country

Health is a fundamental human right. Sadly, for millions of Filipinos living in extreme poverty, this is simply not the case. According to the Department of Health, half of Filipinos do not have access to primary health care. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends at least 44 community health workers for every 10,000 people. However,...