Tag: Garden

Shifting the Darkness

The theme of 2017’s World Health Day was Depression. Depression is the leading cause of ill health and disability worldwide. According to the latest estimates from WHO, more than 300 million people are now living with depression, an increase of more than 18% between 2005 and 2015. Evidence indicates that depression is 1.5 to two...

International Women’s Day

The world celebrates International Women’s Day on Wednesday, March 8. Empowering women to address social, economic and political challenges remains a goal of the United Nations. Alongside a full respect for human rights, women need to be seen as equal partners with men in achieving sustainable development, peace, and security. Approximately 97% of ICM’s Transform participants are...

Clementina’s Will for Change

Once she made the decision to attend ICM’s Transform program, Clementina never wanted to miss a lesson. She organized her life so that she would be able to attend the lessons and still have time to take care of household chores, her children and her disabled husband, Sulpicio. Clementina really enjoyed the livelihood lessons, particularly the...

Elena Got A Full Package Upgrade!

Elena and her family of six live in a house without electricity, and collect their water from a small well several hundred feet away. Her husband, Jose, has been unable to work after suffering a stroke that left him paralyzed on one side of his body. Elena contributed to the family’s income by burning wood to...

Teresita’s New Sense of Calm

Bringing up her four grandchildren with no money to provide for them has been enormously challenging for Teresita. Before undergoing ICM’s Transform program, Teresita felt powerless to change her circumstances and unable to move forward. Teresita’s son was imprisoned for being suspected of theft, leaving Teresita with the job of raising not only his children,...

The Truths Only Super Mom Knows

“I’m tired of being a mother.” With five children at home and an unemployed, unmotivated husband, Cheryl spent most of her days desperately trying to find a way to feed her family of six. Selling oysters, when she could find them, was Cheryl’s only job, but most days, she found only the rising tide of...

New Ways to Ensure Her Children’s Education

Arlene worked at a vending stand and made US$3.33 a week. Her seasonal job, harvesting vegetables, occasionally brought in another US$6.50 a week. If employed, Arlene’s husband Arnel could earn up to US$8.30 a week, however his carpentry jobs were erratic. The parents of three teenagers were working hard, but money was always tight when...

Spreading Seeds For The Future

Merlyn joined ICM’s Transform program with the full support of her family, particularly her husband, Joel. The couple decided they would divide the household chores between them and he would care for their three children when Merlyn was attending Transform classes. Merlyn worked hard to complete her domestic tasks in the morning so that she...

From learning to earning

Leonila had a small shop, however the paltry income made from daily sales was not enough to adequately provide for her husband and son. When asked by her local pastor if she was interested in attending ICM’s Transform program, Leonila quickly agreed.  Even though it meant she’d have to close her shop one afternoon a...

Cleta’s Garden of Dreams

Unemployed, with children to care for, Cleta believed that Transform could change her life. From the first lesson, she saw the benefits that the useful and practical lessons brought to her family. Soon after the Transform program began,  Cleta was in a motorcycle accident and badly injured her foot. Despite her pain, she still attended lessons....