Category: Stories

Kids Helping Kids by Donating Shoes

Even though primary education in the Philippines is free, students are required to provide their own shoes, books and uniforms in order to attend school.  Without these commodities, children will not be admitted.  Families living in extreme poverty cannot afford these things and so their children do not go. As the teachers and children from...

KIVU Diary: My Trip to the Philippines

Diary Entry by Rebecka Kaltenbach, KIVU Gap Year Participant Camp KIVU is a Christian adventure camp in Colorado, USA where teenagers go to experience the great outdoors.  One of their programs, called KIVU Gap Year, reaches out to students taking a year off in between high school and college.  These students spend the year traveling...

Bankers on Detention: A Big Success!

Story by Mia Deocadiz, ICM HK Office Intern At the cozy Classified restaurant in Hong Kong, eight-year-old teacher, David Paul from Bacolod City strutted his stuff. His ‘students’ for the day – a group of 19 sponsored bankers – paid full attention to his every word. The goal for the night was to raise US$100,000 to...

A Day in the Life of ICM Staff: Dolores Gagatam

Story by Lily Talaban, ICM CO, Bacolod Many Filipinos dream about working abroad in order to provide more for their families.  ICM’s Malnourished Children Outreach program leader in Bacolod, Dolores Gagatam, had this very opportunity. She had been working with ICM since 1993, but in 2007 she accepted a job in Canada.  While in Canada, Dolores...

A Timely Blessing

Union Church in Manila graciously donated individual gifts of 6,000 pesos each to 37 pastors from 5 ICM regions.  Story & Photo by Kathleen Hilado, ICM CO, Koronadal Pastor Laurel Lina Piang of T’boli, South Cotabato is one of the pastors in Koronadal who received a gift of 6,000 pesos. He has been serving as...

Do you have a bed?

Tess Lyons has been a dedicated volunteer with ICM for the past three years.  Tess and her husband, Charles Caldwell, are currently sponsoring their 4th ICM preschool. They have taken their four children down to the Philippines several times to visit their students and to participate in the ongoing slum reconstruction building project cosponsored by ICM and Gawad...

Reproductive Health Conference in Mindanao’s Tribal Area

Story by Deanna Sutherland, ICM Program Support  //  Footage by Kathleen Hilado, ICM CO, Koronadal Imagine how frightening being pregnant at 14-years-old would be.  This is the reality for the young women in the mountain-dwelling tribal community called T’boli, in Southern Mindanao, Philippines.  The families in this tribe traditionally arrange for their daughters to be married...

Bankers on Detention: Raising funds for Education

ICM’s 1804 Young Graduates

Throughout the month of March, 1804 proud graduates of ICM’s 80 Learning Centers marched across the stage in their cap and gowns to receive their “diplomas”.   The students finished their year of learning with formal graduation celebrations held in each region.  Songs were sung, dances danced and poems and verses recited.   And family members and...

Kids Camp 2011

Story by Julie Turner, ICM Executive Director // Photos & Videos by Heather Elliott, ICM Media Officer Over 100 kids from the slums of Dumaguete and Bacolod came together prior to Easter for four action packed days of fun, craft, sport and song.  The ICM’s Children’s Shelter and a few local staff kids were added to...