Hope is the key. Progress out of poverty must start with the belief that a better future is possible.

Many families living in ultra-poverty around the world exist on the margins of society, often unreached in isolated areas. International Care Ministries has found that the local church is the answer to delivering hope and transformation to empower these families to break free from the bondages of poverty.

Walk with us to bring hope and transformation to those living in ultra-poverty.

Transform lives with ICM

Transform Model

ICM brings tangible hope and sustainable transformation
through a three step process in partnership with the local church.

1. Equipping

ICM establishes a network among local pastors and equips them
through monthly training in ministry skills development, church planting strategies,
and opportunities to empower ultra-poor families
to break free from the bondages of poverty.

2. Empowering

Local pastors and church members volunteer to host and help lead
ICM’s flagship four-month Transform program in their local slum churches.
Transform’s holistic HOPE curriculum provides the support, training,
and resources essential for life-change.

3. Enduring

After Transform concludes, savings groups sustain their progress
through ongoing monthly “Prevail” meetings.
The local church hosts the community savings group meetings
and provides encouragement and support.

We are focused, effective, and scalable.

Focused – ICM commits to finding and helping the ultra-poor,
those living on less than US$0.50 per person per day.

Effective – ICM invests in evidence-based strategies
that yield measurable, holistic improvements across people’s lives.

Scalable – ICM stretches every dollar to achieve maximum impact.
The cost of our program per family member is US$10, making the effects affordable and replicable.

From the Philippines to the World

For the past 26 years, ICM has focused on ultra-poverty in the Philippines. As of today, 1.2 million Filipinos have graduated from Transform. We have seen 106% increase in household income, 28% decrease in serious illness, and 41% increase in hope index. As we celebrate these stories, we acknowledge that there is more work to be done.

We will continue to saturate the Visayas and Mindanao regions of the Philippines. At the same time, there are over 400 million ultra-poor people around the world. Through partnerships with other church networks, the impact and transformation that we’ve seen in the Philippines can be replicated and realized in these different countries.

Thank you for walking with us to bring hope and transformation to those living in ultra-poverty!

Transform lives with ICM