Tag: Transform

Teresita’s New Sense of Calm

Bringing up her four grandchildren with no money to provide for them has been enormously challenging for Teresita. Before undergoing ICM’s Transform program, Teresita felt powerless to change her circumstances and unable to move forward. Teresita’s son was imprisoned for being suspected of theft, leaving Teresita with the job of raising not only his children,...

An Intern’s Eye

My name is Yuxuan Su and I recently intern at ICM for around two months. Over this period of time, I have had the privilege of working alongside some of the most dedicated, motivated and fun people I have ever met. One morning, I set out with a group of ICM trainers in our signature blue...

New Ways to Ensure Her Children’s Education

Arlene worked at a vending stand and made US$3.33 a week. Her seasonal job, harvesting vegetables, occasionally brought in another US$6.50 a week. If employed, Arlene’s husband Arnel could earn up to US$8.30 a week, however his carpentry jobs were erratic. The parents of three teenagers were working hard, but money was always tight when...

Sydney Delight!

June 4, over 120 people battled the worst storms in decades to gather at The Shore School Hawkins Foyer for ICM’s annual Sydney Dinner. The diverse guest list included attendees of all ages, established ICM supporters and those keen to hear about ICM for the first time. Board of Director Malcolm Wood warmly welcomed everyone to the...

Jobert’s New Identity

Jobert was mishandled as a newborn by an inexperienced doctor, breaking his hipbone, leaving him unable to walk for the rest of life. In the past, Jobert has been very pessimistic about living with a disability, looking only at the negative impact it had on his life. It was only during the Transform program that Jobert began...

Spreading Seeds For The Future

Merlyn joined ICM’s Transform program with the full support of her family, particularly her husband, Joel. The couple decided they would divide the household chores between them and he would care for their three children when Merlyn was attending Transform classes. Merlyn worked hard to complete her domestic tasks in the morning so that she...

World Health Day – Diabetes

The focus of 2016’s World Health Day is diabetes, which affects around nine in every 100 adults worldwide. Diabetes can cause damage to the heart, blood vessels, eyes, kidneys and nerves. However, diabetes and its complications can often be prevented by a healthy diet, regular physical activity and the avoidance of tobacco. According to the World Health Organization,...

Elsa escapes her nightmare

Three years ago, Elsa’s already difficult life became an absolute nightmare. Unable to find work locally, her husband went to Manila to find a way to support his wife and four children. Three days later she found out her husband had been killed in an accident. After her husband’s death, Elsa’s behavior became marked by...

Josefa’s Clean Start

Josefa wanted to find a job that would let her support her family. With her partner, Henry, only working part-time as a seasonal carpenter, the family of six lived on a daily income of US$1.14 for the entire family. The 43 year-old mother had always wanted to find something that could supplement her husband’s income, but...

Growing the family business

As a child, Gerlie wanted to attend school. Even at a young age, she knew that education was important. Gerlie’s parents, however, refused her request for an education because there was no money to cover the costs of transportation, shoes and the school uniform. Wanting to escape the demands of her family, Gerlie married her...