Category: Media

As Ellen Forgave, She Gained…

After leaving her abusive ex-husband, Ellen thought she’d have to raise her two young daughters alone. The future looked gloomy and hopeless. The reality of poverty is haunting. Although no longer living with her ex-husband, she still harbored an intense grudge against him. It seemed almost unimaginable to her that she would ever be able to...

Teresita’s New Sense of Calm

Bringing up her four grandchildren with no money to provide for them has been enormously challenging for Teresita. Before undergoing ICM’s Transform program, Teresita felt powerless to change her circumstances and unable to move forward. Teresita’s son was imprisoned for being suspected of theft, leaving Teresita with the job of raising not only his children,...

A Miracle For Carla Mae

Last November, Janice noticed her middle daughter Carla Mae’s mouth and eye were swelling. Lips that were just cracked a few days previously, were now swollen and blistered. The single mother of five was concerned, but searching for enough work to feed her family was a higher priority than solving what seemed a small medical...

An Intern’s Eye

My name is Yuxuan Su and I recently intern at ICM for around two months. Over this period of time, I have had the privilege of working alongside some of the most dedicated, motivated and fun people I have ever met. One morning, I set out with a group of ICM trainers in our signature blue...

The Truths Only Super Mom Knows

“I’m tired of being a mother.” With five children at home and an unemployed, unmotivated husband, Cheryl spent most of her days desperately trying to find a way to feed her family of six. Selling oysters, when she could find them, was Cheryl’s only job, but most days, she found only the rising tide of...

Free To Dream

Arlene has all the energy and enthusiasm that a kindergarten teacher requires. The 34-year-old is a high achieving English graduate and has been teaching for 12 years. For the past three years, Arlene has taught at ICM’s Malayang Mangarap (Free to Dream) Jumpstart kindergarten, sponsored by ESF South Island School in Hong Kong. Arlene has...

New Ways to Ensure Her Children’s Education

Arlene worked at a vending stand and made US$3.33 a week. Her seasonal job, harvesting vegetables, occasionally brought in another US$6.50 a week. If employed, Arlene’s husband Arnel could earn up to US$8.30 a week, however his carpentry jobs were erratic. The parents of three teenagers were working hard, but money was always tight when...

Sydney Delight!

June 4, over 120 people battled the worst storms in decades to gather at The Shore School Hawkins Foyer for ICM’s annual Sydney Dinner. The diverse guest list included attendees of all ages, established ICM supporters and those keen to hear about ICM for the first time. Board of Director Malcolm Wood warmly welcomed everyone to the...

A Home For An Angel

Angel found herself alone in the world after her mother died in childbirth and her father felt unable to support her.  It wasn’t just the thought of caring for an infant that overwhelmed Angel’s birth father, it was the fact that Angel was born with a blocked (imperforate) opening to her anus that would require...

Jobert’s New Identity

Jobert was mishandled as a newborn by an inexperienced doctor, breaking his hipbone, leaving him unable to walk for the rest of life. In the past, Jobert has been very pessimistic about living with a disability, looking only at the negative impact it had on his life. It was only during the Transform program that Jobert began...