
A Pastor sees Peace after Transform

Story by Ellie Haldors – Intern, ICM Hong Kong

Last week, I took a trip to the Philippines to learn more about the happenings inside of ICM. As I talked to pastors whose communities have gone through ICM Transform programs, I began to realize just how big of an impact ICM is having on these communities. ICM partners with over 7,200 local pastors to provide Values, Health, and Livelihood (VHL) training to the ultrapoor within their community. This group includes people living below the subsistence level on less than US$0.50 per day.

One of the pastors that I talked to, named Joel, has seen tremendous improvement in his church and surrounding community after going through the Transform program. After 14 years of pastoring the Bible Research Worship Center in Bacolod, Pastor Joel is very pleased at how ICM has transformed his community.

Four months after ICM’s Transform program taught participants VHL lessons in Pastor Joel’s community, many of these lessons are being implemented. With the help and encouragement of Pastor Joel, participants started a community garden; where vegetables are freely distributed throughout the community.


The community has also developed a savings group worth about US$160; which would be nearly a year’s worth of savings for one family. Due to the smashing success of the savings group, the community was even able to open their very first bank account. The savings group gives loans to participants who are starting a business using their newfound knowledge gained by Transform. According to Pastor Joel, 100% of the loans have been repaid.

Not only has Transform empowered participants to start community groups, but through Transform, Pastor Joel has also seen great improvement in family relations. Through the VHL training, parents learned how to encourage their kids by building their confidence, rather than belittling them. This encouragement has caused children to have greater respect for their parents. Pastor Joel has also seen growth in his church; in 4 months, the congregation has gone from 45 to 60 families; an astonishing 33%. When speaking of families in the church, Pastor Joel says, “ICM became a tool for them to experience peace…I’m so happy.”

Pastor Joel and his church are a shining example of what a community is capable of accomplishing using the tools and knowledge from an ICM program.

“I don’t have words to express how grateful we are with what [International] Care Ministries has done to our church.”

Learn more about ICM Transform Program – https://www.caremin.com/our-work/transform
Sponsor a community education today – www.caremin.com/donate.

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